
Friday 9 February 2018

Two Brothers revealed the secret behind their amazing size

Tony 'Hulk' Geraldo , 49, and Alvaro 'Conan' Pereira 50.

The two Brazilian brothers with biceps measuring more than 25 inches have revealed the secret to their amazing size - regular chemical injections.

Tony 'Hulk' Geraldo , 49, and Alvaro 'Conan' Pereira, 50, have both been injecting dangerous chemicals since their teens to make them as big as possible.

The brothers, from Rio de Janeriro, Brazil, claim there was a time when they were 'addicted to getting big' but now believe they have it under control.

As well as regular injections, the brothers work out together for hours every day and follow a strict diet.

Mr Geraldo explains that he eats every three hours; usually egg, sweet potatoes and meat. Mr Pereira eats four times a day, both trying to hit 4,000 to 6,000 calories a day.

They'll often consume 12 bananas and six egg whites before a work out.

The bulky brothers There have been times where they've been so big that they can't fit through doors.

Mr Pereira has been injecting his biceps and legs with a supplement called Potenay B12 on and off since he was 15 years old.

His younger brother, followed in his footsteps when he turned 18, after seeing what the drugs did to his brother's muscles.

They explain that they started injecting chemicals as they both felt like they were 'too skinny' - Mr Geraldo weighed 49kg as a teenager, and Mr Pereira weighed 70kg.

Mr Pereira said:  'Back then we were [addicted.] Today, no. I have it under control. People around me didn't let me go on the wrong path and I did the same with my brother. He always wants to be bigger, but I always tell him that we need to be careful.'

The brothers inject the chemical in cycles - two times a week with five days in between.

Now, each of Mr Geraldo's bulging biceps measure 28 inches in circumference and his brother boasts 25-inch biceps

Unsurprisingly, their main inspirations are Arnold Schwarzenegger and in particular when he starred as Conan The Barbarian.

The bodybuilders' doctor has recently insisted they stop injecting for health reasons, and because their skin cannot stretch anymore.

Potenay B12 should only be used for veterinary purposes, on animals such as horses. But Brazil has seen an increase in people injecting the supplement to get bigger, quicker.

Mr Pereira's wife, who he met at the gym, and his seven children support him in getting big.

Mr Geraldo, a father-of-three,  has been married for 27 years and his wife doesn't agree with him  carrying on with his injections.

Their family have always been particularly worried about Mr Geraldo using Potenay B12 as he has high blood pressure, but he says he has told his wife he can live with it or leave him.

Tony said:  'My wife doesn't like it. However, I am happy with myself. She has to accept me like I am, or we will have to go on separate ways.
'I usually tell my wife that she's the only one who doesn't like me. Other women love my size, they love it.
'Once we were walking in front of my gym and I told her, "Look, if you don't want me there are several other girls who does". Then, pointed to all the girls coming to talk to me.'

Wow...this is incredibly amazing,look at those muscles..

See photos:

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